17th May 2007, 07:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
The 1% outlay with the first bet is the to work out ones betting bank needed.
Example .
Say the lowest divisor that one wishes to use is 6/1
Say ones starting target is $60 / 6 = $10 (first bet) = 1% of bank
Therefore bank would have to be $1000
The plan is straight forward but it is very confusing on the site that has the plan.
So I shall try to keep it simple as possible.
Target $60
Starting divisor 6/1
First bet $10 = 1% of bank, so bank should be $1000.
Bank $1000
The divisor is increased by 1 Pt after each loser.
The divisor is reduced by its Fractional odds after each winner as per originator or one can reduce the divisor by its Decimal odds , which makes it a bit more aggressive & recovers quicker.
e.g. Reduce by 5pts for $5 div rather that 4pts as for 4/1 .
Example of divisors used & reduceing using Fractional odds
6 7 8 9 10 11 12w3/1 9 10 11w4/1 7 8w3/1 6w 6w 6w 6 7 ect.
Never dropping below 6/1
The idea is to restart at $60 again, as soon as any profit is made.
e.g. $2+
Ones selection plan has to break nearly even, to make it work using Fractional odds.e.g. 4/1 div. to reduce the divisor
Ones selection plan can afford to have a minus 10-15% LOT at level stakes if using Deciaml odds e.g.$5.00 div. to reduce the divisor.
This is the one I would use.
I hope this makes it a little clearer.