Thread: Pixie's Pix
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Old 23rd May 2007, 12:26 AM
AngryPixie AngryPixie is offline
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In hindsight maybe we should just let this run for a while to see what happens. As you say Burrah, you'd kick yourself if you filtered out a big priced winner. For the time being it's performing well so let's not tinker till we have to. Besides, I've long given up doing any form so the only filter angle I can think of is something that involves drifters and firmers, and I've only loosely been paying attention to these before the last 30 seconds or so. When I managed to lay a couple of selections early, below 11.00 I managed to green-up when they drifted over that mark. That's another way to play these I guess. Also I find Fairbot invaluable due to it's near realtime market refreshes and one-click bet submission. Great when your trying to snag a particular price right at the last second.

We've actually passed the 95% confidence level for the "11.00 or less" lay group now that I've normalised the B.A.T. prices. In fact it's almost at 98% but that will jump around a little. Let's keep going until we get both groups over 95% i.e. success due to luck: 5.00%. The number of sample races involved here should of course be considered the minimum.

Hope you guys are managing to grab some profits.
"It's worth remembering that profit isn't profit until it's spent off the racecourse." -- Crash
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