Originally Posted by Top Rank
Are you claiming to be part of that 5% crash? Just curious.
Top Rank,
I've never claimed to be in or out of the 5%. I might have claimed I have done OK over this or that period, but a consistently profitable punter?
The only thing I have claimed is I'd hate to be a professional punter living off the punt [even if good enough]. Not all profitable punters though are living off the punt. Probably about .05% of punters.
Bragging rights on forums are cheap. Over the years claims of X amount of long term profits from this or that selection or staking system or from personal form study etc. have been endless here. However, what you will never see from most of these claimants is selections up front. In fact I don't remember ever seeing even one of them enter a punting comp. let alone put up their selections [pre-post] over a decent period in this or the other section of this forum. Of course when asked they mostly say they select and bet just before the jump [funny that]. Naturally, too late to put up selections pre-post. So they don't have to prove anything :-))
Once I put up daily tips for about 3 to 4 mths. from my form study [not a system]. So about 90 or so days of selections. The end result from recollection was around 33% POT for the period.
I stopped with the tips because one sour punter [obviously not following the tips :-)) ] basically accused me of 'cheating' after one of my selection got up at $28w. These were all pre-race tips [many of them at very good odds]. I mean, I was whacking all the tips up early in the morning! End of my daily selections of course. The thread is searchable and I think Party remembers it.
So, am I part of the 5% of profitable punters? 3mths. of daily tips at excellent profit might just have been a 'lucky' run from a poor punter or a high point in another good year from a good punter[?]
Results, some very good indeed and others not so good from comps. I run or enter aren't conclusive of anything either.
So sorry Top Rank, I can't answer the loaded? :-)) question you've asked, unless I can prove my answer and any idiot can make up a fake long term profit and loss record. I can only prove what happens to my pre-post selections I put up in the forum, nothing else.