Thread: Two Nix U-Bet
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Old 6th June 2007, 07:22 PM
raldridge raldridge is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 35
Default Two Nix U-Bet

Thanks again for your reply.
Yes you were correct.
I was not saving the file properly.
One has to choose the correct option at the bottom of the save window.
So I chose the " comma delimited CSV ", and that did it.
As I said, I have never saved a file in CSV format before, I have never needed to.
But I still have problems, the error said that I could not use the " change me "
so I changed that, then the error said that the " change me " was missing ".
plus other errors which I can not remember at this point.
And it corrupted the race, which I could not load.
So I closed the U-Bet program and went into the U-Bet database and deleted all today's races.
I was unable to delete the scores for today from the database?.
The program seems to be working o.k. now.
But of course without me loading the scores.
Another problem I have with U-Bet is I have to keep re launching the program to get it to start getting the " Race TAB Live " data which is always the last and the most difficult to get.
Is your version the public (2006) version?.
If it is then at least we are talking about the same version.
Regards, Robert
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