Thread: Two Nix U-Bet
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Old 8th June 2007, 08:20 AM
raldridge raldridge is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 35
Default Two Nix U-Bet

Hi Trenchdigger,
Yes 10 years ago I purchased the Data Probe software from Kosh Racing.
Brett Northcott the writer of the program was a brilliant racing software writer.
His stuff was the first betting bot in Australia, and was years ahead of it's time.
I used to pay Telstra only $11 a month for a special service which enabled me to send bets to my NSW TAB account. As it did not use the Internet.
I used to hear even in another room the modem dialing up to put bets on.
I would think, there is no way it will get the bets on less than a minute but it always did. It was beautiful to watch.
The program used to monitor the NSW TAB odds from the Teletext.
Koch Racing were marketing a trifecta program which had different strategies for each customer. They gave out strategies for certain race tracks, i.e. each track had it's own strategy. Not surprisingly the NSW TAB was advertising this software in their quarterly magazines, as any purchaser would increase the NSW TAB turnover.
There was an option to get the race data via a subscription service from I think was called Racedata. This an option even when the NSW TAB was still supplying the free Teletext odds.
I also purchased a win bet program from Koch Marketing at the same time, which was much better than their trifecta program in my opinion.
I had it running one Friday night on the trots and it was showing a balance of more than $4,000, and I thought that can not be right. As I only had $1,000 in my NSW account. But the betting program had amassed more than $3,000 profit on one night, which really was unbelievable to me.
But it eventually all was lost as the strategy turned sour.

Incidentally I can now once again run this win strategy using U-Bet.

There was another chap who's last name was Clarke and he also was marketing a betting bot using trifectas a few years after DataProbe for I think around $12,000.
Regards, Robert
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