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Old 9th June 2007, 09:58 AM
maverick1993 maverick1993 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 3,635

Race 1,
A few in this that are evenly rated,,not a race for me to get excited about.High Acacedmy and Skyleda the two that will like the sting out..if the track wasnt rain affected i'd be all over Point Made who was very brave last start in a way harder race..its a very good drying day again with this wind around but untill i see the track i'll be taking it easy,,,
Race 2 ,
Old belvedere will apreciate this track,,Roman Squire with the big strides mightnt be to suited on this surface,,,,these look the two with Old Belvedere at least backable..
Race 3 ,
Stirring looks to good for these,,the improver Main Vein shouldnt be ignored.,this is the one that will sit off Stiring and try and run her down..I'm a fan of the jockey so i might have something on at the odds,,
Race 4,
I was super keen on Clevergaze before the rain....I think Donbodine interesting in this,,has been working well likes the slow and should sprint well fresh,,,not a race i'm keen on,,,
Race 5.
The two obvious horses alittle unders imo.KeybarNights the better of the two,,,i went looking for value and thought Falcontine a good e/w ,,the horse doesnt run a bad race and from the barrier will get the sit just behind Miss Watagan...
Race 6,
I'm already on geeiJane and although not super confident i still think she can run a cheeky race ,,she has the good barrier in the big field and has a good sprint at the end..if they are getting into the track this will suit even more...
I'll be trying to jag that 1st4 ...with horses like Royal Ida, Blackink,Goldy,Mitanni, Nova,RTW,Mitanni..and Snipers all in there somewhere....not sure what order because i want to see how this track plays..
Race 7,
I'm a fan of FortnWon,,,the horse should have won last start with clear running i'm not a massicve fan of the jockey as i think he takes wrong options to many times for a top jock,,but hes always been set for this and i should get around 10s,,,Sirmione and theseo the main dangers ahead of Empires Choice,,,
RAce 8,
thought Sir Monashee peeling out wide a big show at odds in this,,,Hasta has had probs..Sheezavalue will have to do some work early and i dont think leading will be the place to be this time of the day....

Best, Old Belvedere, FortnWon
Best e/ws, Falcontine, MainVein, Sir Monashee

Arctic Silver, our Apache, willie Comand
Gold Coast
Bringelly, Mr Mister (watch track)
Pride of Archway, Madam Lush
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