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Old 17th June 2007, 07:50 PM
AngryPixie AngryPixie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,070


I think you'll struggle to find anybody on any of the Australian racing forums that has a good thing to say about these "Gold Coast" type multi-thousand dollar to purchase systems. There have been far too many s c a m s perpetrated using the sales methods you described in the deleted thread.

I'd be particularly concerned by any system were the seller offered you a loan in order to purchase it. Surely the alarm bells must be ringing?

As I said earlier, the system you described chases losses, and has an unknown number of users betting thousands on the same horses in the same tote pool. You stated a win strike rate of 80% which raises the possibility of 4, 5 or more losing bets in sequence. Would you really be comfortable chasing 5 losses with the stake sizes you were talking about? Particularly if you'd borrowed the money to do it?

To paraphrase what Crash has said a couple of times now, if it's so good, and makes the type of money claimed, why are they selling it? They'd be much better off keeping it to themselves.

If you're new to punting them stick around these forums for a while, we're an odd and occasionally cranky lot but there's alot of experience in all facits of racing and wagering.

I urge you to heed the advice offered.

Best of luck

PS: Contact your local Consumer Affairs group and see what type of history the vendors have. Could save you a bundle.
"It's worth remembering that profit isn't profit until it's spent off the racecourse." -- Crash
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