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Old 19th June 2007, 10:15 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104


I used to use the the Sportsman for many years and it's certainly a good form, but the old eyesight isn't what it used to be and I'd need a very good light source, reading glasses AND a magnifying glass to wade through a lot of the Sportsman's tiny font size nowadays. When young, we always ignore the strain we put our eyes through and think sharp eyesight is forever.

I only change to on-line form because of eyesight issues that started kicking in with age [caused by too many years reading newsprint form info. font size?]. I'd never go back now even if I regained 20/20 vision. It's the difference between driving an old Holden and a new BMW 7 series.

On-line form suits my eyesight fine. I can copy and paste any info. I want to 'notepad' [a bit hard with newsprint] or copy whole pages and easily store any info I want for future use with a couple of clicks of the mouse also print out anything I want arranged anyway I want if I need to, in an easy to read font size of my choice.

If I want to go to our Local Bairnsdale country meeting, with a few clicks I can head off there with a comprehensive form guide, neatly printed up on A4 with as much or as little form info. in it as I want.

Sure, form services aren't for everyone but they have moved light years ahead of what old fashioned newsprint form offers. I've also found my returns have improved way beyond what the on-line service costs. It pays for itself.
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