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Old 5th August 2007, 08:52 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104


The rules say max. spent on exotics is $50. Syllabus23's TRI cost $60 for a $1 unit, meaning it should be read as a 50c unit ($30 cost], which would win him $106.80 [rounded down from 106.85], not 213.70. His totals would be: Total win = $466.80 Spent $130.

Maybe you are adding the money we have left to bet with for the month to what we win? If so, my score would be correct but Syllabus would still be out I think.

I thought we just had $500 for the month to bet with. There was nothing in the rules about having our winnings to bet with on top of our monthly bet amount [?]
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