10th April 2002, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
$500 Bank @ 2%=$10
Race Target Divisor Outlay
1 10 3 3 L
2 13 3 4 L
3 17 3 6 L
4 23 3 8 L
5 31 3 10 L
6 41 6 7 W Win@$3.90=odds2.9/1 $20.30 Profit on this race only,deduct this off the target to get new revised target.Deduct odds figure off the divisor to get new revised divisor.
7 20.70 3.1 7 For the next 5
8 27.70 3.1 9 loosing bets.
I hope this helps.You need to have patience to follow these type of plans ,but they do work.If you can pull the winners.