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Old 23rd September 2003, 08:18 AM
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 146

BC wrote...
"As you say I cannot understand why anyone would place a win bet with the TAB anymore - I closed all my TAB accounts months ago. Maybe someone who still places win bets with the TAB can explain why????"

cant explain from a win bettors viewpoint, but from a place bettors stance IAS has some deficiencies...
1. I believe there is a time limit for placing your bet, you cant bet in the last seconds before a race.
2. place bettors dont get the universal best price so you can do better if you spread it around.
3. the results are very slow to confirm and at night you can be waiting ages for the payout to be made.

but, on the plus side, you can look at your bets over previous days/weeks/ months - impossible at NSW and Unitab.

and they do respond to suggestions, unlike the TAB's :smile:

see ya
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