31st August 2007, 07:37 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 243
This whole issue is beyond a joke and full of hypocrisy. Like constant and random drug testing on AFL footballers for not only performance enhancing drugs, but also for non performance enhancing drugs.
Now let me get clear something.
I'm not aware that this random drug testing for anything and everything is a legal condition of employment in this country.
But if it's expected of and good enough for the footballers, how about the AFL head honchos being subjected to similar random drug tests? I'm sure they won't mind.
What about all our politicians? We can't forget them. After all, it is public money that is being used to pay them!!
Surely above all, our politicians should be role models. Even more so than AFL footballers. Because our politicians are meant to be demonstrating to us that they are properly representing us and that the democratic process is alive and well.
This surely is far more important for society than an 18 year old kid playing AFL football?
I'm sure none of us elect our politicians to get drunk and frequent strip clubs while on official business paid for by the taxpayer. We surely should expect politcians of all parties to loudly condemn such action if it is discovered? Surely?
After all, they are our role models.
And let's not forget the media that like to dig up dirt on everyone.
Surely they should also be subjected to regular drug testing? The way some of them report you'd have to think they are on drugs. But in their case it's certainly not performance enhancing.