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Old 7th September 2007, 12:45 PM
wesmip1 wesmip1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,601

crash makes a good point ...

The majority of people that excel in any profession ( whether it be investing, gambling, cooking or ****** poop scooper) are those that have a fanatiscm with the profession. It is these people who spend 12+ hours a day looking at form, going through their bets, checking the stats, running the odd lines, etc to increase their skill level.

But there are also those who are "smart" and just find a profitable way and stick to it but I find most of these people don't stick to it because they haven't developed the method or understand the logic behind it. It is these people who go running at the first few losses and complain bitterly.

Good luck.
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