29th September 2007, 12:02 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 200
id say it was again luck that got me home, tipping so far out i was just lucky it fell into place, do i still have $150 for tomorrow sportz?
if so,
All Mornington
All Up Win
R2 N5
R3 N5
for $10($10)
R2 N5
R4 N5
for $10($20)
R3 N5
into R4 N5
for $10($30)
R2 N5
R3 N5
R4 N5
for $10($40)
R6 N1
$10 win($50)
R6 N1,2,5
$5 Quinella ($65)
R5 N3,4
$5 Quinella($70)
R1 N6
$5 e-w($80)
R2 N5, R3 N5, R4 N5
all $10 win.($110)
R7 N1
$10 win($120)
R7 N1,11
$5 quinella($125)
R8 N6
$10 win ($135)
R8 N3,6
$5 quinella($140)
R6 Trifecta 1,2,5 boxed
$1 ($146)
R8 Exacta 3 to beat 6