Okay, time for a few different strategies for using the ratings. Basically looking at backing the top 2 raters. Backing 2 horses a race is my preferred way to bet.
Strategy 1:
(1) Concentrate on any race where the top rater has at least 30 points and the 2nd top rater has at least 15 points.
(2) If there are 2 equal 2nd top raters, take the first one mentioned as I list equal rated horses in order of preference. This is rare though. Only happens maybe once a month.
(3) The top two ratings added together must equal no more than 65 points. Races with higher than that amount can certainly still win, but they tend to be less value and it is harder to make a profit backing two horses.
(4) Bet amounts according to the horses' ratings. In other words, if the two runners are rated on 36 and 18, then bet $36 and $18 on them. If you think that's too much money to bet on a race, then you can adjust the amounts to suit yourself but always use basically the same ratio.
Here's a recent example:
37 . $2.7 . 5 SEACHANGE
17 . $5.9 . 9 PRINCESS COUP
11 . $9.1 . 2 SIR SLICK
11 . $9.1 . 3 MANDELA
7 . $14.3 . 1 RAILINGS
6 . $16.7 . 14 THE POOKA
4 . $25.0 . 6 GAZE
2 . $50.0 . 13 J'ADANE
2 . $50.0 . 12 VELOCE BELLA
2 . $50.0 . 10 SPLASHING OUT
2 . $50.0 . 7 OMBRE ROSE
1 . $100.0 . 4 MAGIC CAPE
C/W RT: 5 SEACHANGE ( 5-3-1-9 )
FRM RT: 5 SEACHANGE ( 5-9-2-6 )
MULTIS: ( 1,2,3,5,9 ) OR ( 5,9 – 1,2,3,5,6,9,14 )
In that particular race, you would put $37 on Seachange and $17 on Princess Coup. Princess Coup won the race. On Unitab, she paid $6.60 for a return of $112.20 for your outlay of $54.
Here are the results since the start of the new season using Unitab dividends:
Aug: Races 29, Wins 18 (62%), Out $1671, In $1949.80, Profit $278.80 (16.7%)
Sep: Races 50, Wins 30 (60%), Out $2910, In $3473.30, Profit $563.30 (19.4%)
Oct: Races 14, Wins 11 (79%), Out $802, In $1166.10, Profit $364.10 (45.4%)
Total: Races 93, Wins 59 (63%), Out $5383, In $6589.20, Profit $1206.20 (22.4%)
Next, a slight variation on that idea:
Strategy 2:
(1) Concentrate on any race where there is either a C/W RT Special or a FRM RT Special or both. These are signified by a * in the ratings.
(2) Again back both of the top two raters, providing that the top rater has at least 30 points and the 2nd top rater has at least 15 points. If 2 equal 2nd top raters, take the first one listed.
(3) Only bet in races where the top 2 ratings add up to no more than 65 points.
(4) Again, bet in amounts equal to the horse's ratings.
A recent example:
48 . $2.1 . 3 WHO'S YA DADDY
15 . $6.7 . 2 STEDMAN
14 . $7.1 . 4 MASKED AVENGER
10 . $10.0 . 1 BRUNELLESCHI
9 . $11.1 . 6 HELLS LANE
4 . $25.0 . 5 TESTALUX
2 . $50.0 . 8 LIL' CESNA
C/W RT: 3 WHO'S YA DADDY ( 3-4-6-2 )
FRM RT: 3 WHO'S YA DADDY * ( 3-2-1-4 )
MULTIS: ( 1,2,3,4,6 ) OR ( 2,3 – 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 )
Stedman ended up winning the race, a good example of the advantage of backing two horses. There was not a large profit on the race, but it was still a profit. Many people would have backed just Who's Ya Daddy and lost.
Results so far this season, using Unitab divs:
Aug: Races 28, Wins 19 (68%), Out $1628, In $1945.20, Profit $317.20 (19.5%)
Sep: Races 32, Wins 21 (66%), Out $1913, In $2486.70, Profit $573.70 (30%)
Oct: Races 6, Wins 5 (83%), Out $357, In $401.60, Profit $44.60 (12.5%)
Total: Races 66, Wins 45 (68%), Out $3898, In $4833.50, Profit $935.50 (24%)
Now a more selective approach using a rather quirky aspect of the ratings, but it seems to work.
Strategy 3:
(1) Concentrate on races where there is a FRM RT Special signified by a *. But you only bet in the race if that horse is
NOT the C/W RT selection.
(2) Back the top two rated runners, providing the top rater has at least 30 points and the 2nd top rater has at least 15 points. If 2 equal 2nd top raters, take the first one listed.
(3) Again, only bet if the top two ratings add up to no more than 65 points.
(4) Bet 2 units on the FRM RT Special and 1 unit on the other runner (no matter what their individual ratings are). For this exercise, I will make 1 unit equal to $20 as that means we're betting $60 a race, roughly what we bet on the other two strategies. So it's $40 on the FRM RT Special and $20 on the other runner.
Here's a recent example:
33 . $3.0 . 8 EL PRESIDENTE
21 . $4.8 . 2 LORD BAUMAY
12 . $8.3 . 6 FRENCH FAVORITE
12 . $8.3 . 5 SCOPACIRI
10 . $10.0 . 7 WESTERLY BREEZE
7 . $14.3 . 1 FIMMO'S CROWN
5 . $20.0 . 3 FOXY BOY
2 . $50.0 . 4 ANOTHER MAK
C/W RT: 2 LORD BAUMAY ( 2-8-7-1 )
FRM RT: 8 EL PRESIDENTE * ( 8-6-5-2 )
MULTIS: ( 2,5,6,7,8 ) OR ( 2,8 – 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 )
So, you can see that El Presidente was a FRM RT Special but he was not the C/W RT Selection. Lord Baumay was. This is the sort of race we're looking for with this strategy. El Presidente ended up winning the race and a useful profit was made.
Results so far this season using Unitab divs:
Aug: Races 10, Wins 6 (60%), Out $600, In $796, Profit $196 (32.6%)
Sep: Races 8, Wins 6 (75%), Out $480, In $864, Profit $384 (80%)
Oct: Races 4, Wins 4 (100%), Out $240, In $392, Profit $152 (63.3%)
Total: Races 22, Wins 16 (73%), Out $1320, In $2052, Profit $732 (55.5%)
Remember that all those figures are only using Unitab dividends. You would have been able to improve the results by betting elsewhere and getting higher dividends.
But I must say that I can't give you any guarantee that these methods will continue to make profits. Only that they stand a fair chance.
Anyway, I hope all this rambling has been of some interest. If any of you are using your own strategies with these ratings and having success, why not tell us. I'll be looking at some strategies for multi punters in the future.