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Old 9th October 2007, 10:24 AM
Posts: n/a

I find it hard to fathom the big "push" for Efficcient last weekend.It must have been a street corner tip,as every man and his ****** were barking it.
Steve Moran & Alf Matthews both tipped it as a special.
What rot these highly paid morons dish out to punters in the guise they know what they are talking about.
The Turnbull(on paper at least)looked to be a race of many chances,so how anyone could possibly tip any horse in that race as a special is beyond me.
Bryan Martin said(just before they jumped)"this is the race that shapes the Spring."
God help us then.
IMO Efficcient is not and never will be a 2000mtr horse.
Williams has said all along it is being set for the MC,so IMO that wa s a fitness run,any $ picked up would have been a bonus.
Barrier 1 didn't help,as all jockeys knew(it was R7)that the inside was a no go zone.
Steve Arnold had no chance of getting out from that draw,and if you like it for the Cup,forgive it that run.
Sack it at your own risk.
Marasco is obviously sore,but couldn't win a Cox anyway.
Only has a 400 mtr sprint at best,and to win a Cox you have to sustain an 800 mtr run.
Haradasun to beat Miss F for mine.
Devil Moon likely leader,and whilst she is on fire,she aint no Sunline.
Off pace runners usually win the Cox,throw in El SEgundo(forgive his run too,wasn't that bad)I think the winner will come from those 3.
No fancy odds though,especially if Miss F wins this weekend(as expected.)
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