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Old 15th October 2007, 08:04 AM
Posts: n/a

I tend to agree with Weekend Husslers trainer,horses that win a Cox Plate are specifically set for the race,not as an afterthought because they are going well.
Williams has said all along that Efficcient was aimed at the MC,not sure about Zipping.
Hayes also said after the weekend defeat that he was dissappointed,but to remember she is being trained to run 2 miles.
You would think that Devil Moon and/or Maldivian(if it runs)will set a good tempo,which could set it up for Haradasun or El Segundo.
Unless Marasco turns things around,I can't see him winning.
I,m going for Haradasun to beat El Segundo.
Blue Monday@$151
Good luck whichever way you go.
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