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Old 21st October 2007, 02:53 PM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628

Wonder why noone says anything in this place ******** me, Crash this was the answer to your thoughts "Crash they canned that about 12-18 months ago letting trouble horses in later because trainers were rorting the system just to get the horse in last"

The rest of it was directed at stugots I just didn't seperate it very well which is my fault.

As far as an opinion goes stugots go for it you had yours I had mine obviously they are different now aren't they. I have never torn anyone a new one for there opinion in fact for the most part I don't read alot of what other people say here because I simply don't have the time, I usually give an opinion and that is it. If I don't agree with someones opinion occassionally I'll say something but for the most part I just don't bother responding. I am just sick to death of hearing how far Maldivian would have won that race by he didn't he wasn't in it and the result is not going to change Mark Kavanagh has gotten over it to a degree and if I feel sympathy towards him and the connections of he horse the chance to win a race like that doesn't come around all that regularly so to see that happen to both Maldivian and the forgotten horse Eskimo Queen was just awful, Would the result have been different if those 2 horses were in the field maybe, maybe not Master O'reilly won that race with authority and it would have taken a good horse to beat him yesterday.
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