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Old 21st October 2007, 03:07 PM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628
Default The end has come

Well guys

I have decided to call the punting game quits for no real reason other than the money which was used for punting will going towards saving for a deposit on a house and paying off the new car out the front. It has been fun the last few years around I have met alot of good people on here and it is a sad day but these things happen you can't carry on like an 18yo all your life and sacrifices have to be made and Punting was the 1st one on my list, I'll still poke my head in here occassionally atleast for the next week with a fixed odds bet on Efficient in the Cox Plate which is still alive, Plus I will put in my selections for Sportz comp until it is finished aswell after that I will be retired from the game pretty much completely.

For the guys I have had such a good time with over the years thanks again especially to Sportz for all the time he puts into those comps he runs I do not know how he does it but well done mate.

To Magivor I have always felt bad about that disagreement we had over the QLD Derby this year I apologise for that I really am sorry.

Well guys thanks and good luck on the punt.
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