Thread: Fisho
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Old 31st October 2007, 02:55 PM
xanadu xanadu is offline
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Well what a coincidence....the first leg of the Quaddie(which has been promoted "ad nauseum" by the TAB, produces a long-shot winner at $23.2wNSW....go figure......!
That's fine but as I have stated on numerous occasions I also study jockeys, their riding styles and vigour shown etc.
Guess what?...if any other form student studied this aspect then they too would be very concerned with some of the rides of other hoops in this race which allowed Shinn on the eventual winner to gain a four lengths lead at the home turn.....come on.....get real!
I'm sure that the prospect of a large divvie will attract an increase in betting turnover from the general public......but at what longterm cost to the industry as the "professional" ranks depart due to dubious happenings?
I'll leave it up to you....!

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