3rd November 2007, 04:52 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
Correct me if I am wrong......!
Do not the Articles Of Racing contend that every runner is presented in a condition which is condusive to performing at it's optimum level?
Therefore, how could some of today's results survive incisive scrutiny by the appropriate officials?
It is a time of year when "punt-hungry mug-punters" are attracted to the glamour of the Spring Carnival. However, I ask you ...at what cost to the long-term viability of the horse-racing industry?
It seems to me it has a bit of the "Nero Syndrome" -"let it burn".. while the longterm effects are neglected by panicked officials.
Therefore, please explain how some of the results today were not scrutinized thoroughly.
I, personally am very disappointed/disillusioned with how racing is currently being handled.
Any other disgruntled punters out there?