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Old 11th November 2007, 07:55 PM
Wunfluova Wunfluova is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 84

Try Try Again, it shows a 10.7% profit over nearly five years (best of NSW tab and SP) with most of the profit generated by a couple of $50+ winners. Maximum run of outs was 42. Betting all states showed a loss on T/O of 2.4%.

All those recent winners you quoted had raced 2,3 or 4 times since a spell.

************************************************** *****
include if Area = Metropolitan

include if Weekday = Saturday

include if State = VIC


exclude if Spell Count between 0 and 1


include if FinPos last run between 5 and 7

include if State 2 runs ago = VIC

include if Area 2 runs ago = Metropolitan

include if FinPos 2 runs ago = 1


exclude if Career Starts = 0


1/01/2003 to 8/11/2007

Spell Count Bets Wins WOut WRet WPrf W% WPOT


2 60 6 6000 6600 600 10 10.0

3 60 8 6000 6290 290 13 4.8

4 49 9 4900 10110 5210 18 106.3

5 45 4 4500 3240 -1260 8 -28.0

6 36 5 3600 2760 -840 13 -23.3

7 25 1 2500 620 -1880 4 -75.2

8 15 1 1500 5490 3990 6 266.0

9 12 1 1200 510 -690 8 -57.5

10 13 1 1300 490 -810 7 -62.3

11 7 1 700 220 -480 14 -68.6

12 5 1 500 650 150 20 30.0

13 5 0 500 0 -500 0 -100.0

14 1 0 100 0 -100 0 -100.0

16 1 0 100 0 -100 0 -100.0

>>> Totals >>> 334 38 33400 36980 3580 11 10.7
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