Thread: Fisho
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Old 14th November 2007, 11:04 AM
xanadu xanadu is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492

Ah pharfromoz/konagold,

When you speak of expanding one's mind then surely you should look in the mirror...old son!
I am a form student of some years who has instigated some very successful threads and continue these because they are proven money-spinners and other forumites may benefit so my motives are benevolent. For example, did you win over the carnival? I certainly did and I expect to continue winning into the future as iI have been for a number of years now.
If you believe these are the only wagers I have on any particular day then, sorry, but I believe you may be in "Lalaland."
Your comments suggest that you indeed live in this "wonderland of milk and honey" where all is well and if that is the scope of your view of the racingscene then good luck because you sure need it!
I was going to make a reference to the character in "Rainman" but I wouldn't be that cruel!
So, have a good day old son!

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