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Old 25th November 2007, 02:31 PM
Bon Bon is offline
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Posts: 39
Default Mount Isa on Friday...

anybody see R5 at Mt. Isa on Friday?

The local bookies had Centgeorge a $2-2.30 fave, while the Unitab had it $1.30.

Devil'sinthedetail was only $2.7-80 with the local bookies, but opened around $9 on the unitab, before closing at $3.90.

I figured it to be a 2 horse race, both trained by the same person and thought that maybe they would "rig" the race and let Devil'sinthedetail win while betting it so I bet even amounts on Centgeorge at $2.30 with the local bookies and Devil'sinthedetail at the Unitab for a collect of $3.90.

The locals bet Centgeorge VERY heavy with the local bookies.... it took over 90% of the money and the bookies would have got cleaned up on this race if it happened to win.

The riders for Centgeorge and Devil'sinthedetail also happened to be brothers I believe...

What does everyone else think about the race?
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