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Old 2nd October 2003, 11:47 AM
Twodogs Twodogs is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 221


I am not suggesting a system as such (a list of mechanical rules) my belief is that you can use your time better if either your working with good ratings??? or your able to fine a field down and then apply your magnifing glass to whats left.


On 2003-10-01 17:25, crash wrote:
The wizard is somthing I have been thinking about. I'm not very fond of it, but they do have some good stats. will have a look at some sort of Zip, Wrat/trat combo Twodogs.

Hadn't thought about Unitab Sportsnut. Will check it out.

I have a terrible sinking feeling about systems though. I have often wondered, with all the info etc. at their fingertips and all their experience, why arn't the Professionals useing systems instead of all the work they put in [for 2 to 10% POT a year] keeping up with form, endlessly swapping e/m. about track condt., bias and many hours at the pc. and the tracks etc. ?
I know being born in the right bed and suburb helps [and good luck to them] with their starting bank [very big to live off 2 to 10%] though and I bet not many [or none] started out as blue collar workers either. Not now days anyway.

Worth pondering.


[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-10-01 17:28 ]
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