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Old 29th December 2007, 06:33 AM
King Cugat King Cugat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 326

G'day Oz

Sydneys not like the olden days huh. I think the BOBS system is slowly hurting NSW + Sydney and in the not so distant future the Magic Millions sales will have many many more smaller sales associated with it with Inglis's Newmarket ring slowly falling apart with only the Easter Sales left. << They already contribute to around 70% of their revenue.


As a breeder why would i want to sell or race my horse in NSW when its the only bonus system that doesnt reward the breeder. In VIC & Qld i can take a mare to one of their stallions, sell my horse and even though i'm no longer associated with it thereafter i can receive prizemmoney as the breeder. Firstly i will target one of their stallions, secondly target their sales hoping the owner actually lives and wants to race there. Thirdly if say i have a QRIS nom'd horse a large percentage of the time the owners will want to race in QLD for themselves to get the bonus. Hence the choice in some cases of where a horse will run begins at the breeder. The BOBS scheme is very very ordinary in regards to its purpose.
If theres no carnival or big races in Sydney then horses will stay in their own states and race for bonuses. It wont change unless BOBS change and in my opinion will only get worse.
The Vic system even allows the breeder to go to NSW in year 1. Then if going to a VIC stallion in year 2 will let you nom them both of them for the VIC system allowing the breeder to have the chance for x2 lots of bonus.


They just forgot about the 1st bit.....the BREEDER. Absolutley nothing in it at all as an incentive to take your mares to NSW stallions, sell in NSW or race in NSW.
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