29th December 2007, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
the much touted first-starter runs ingloriously after being hyped by some media participants.
I will be watching the Steward's report with great interest to see whether the hyped runner, No.6 Camouflage was injured during the run or carried an injury into the race. Also, IMO, an inspection of betting sheets is warranted to see who supported this runner...a reasonable request that most of the betting public would agree with. Why did it run so ingloriously...shouldn't questions at the utmost level be asked?
Surely this occurrence further exemplifies the fact that an ICAC officer should be appointed to the Steward's panel to assist in any enquiries and pursue their own enquiries if they deem it appropriate.
I ask this question: why do some media types go out of their way to hype a particular starter to the generally uninformed/uninitiated betting publc?
Hmmm.....I'll leave that for you to ponder......!