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Old 1st January 2008, 09:06 AM
pharfromoz pharfromoz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,501

in post #6 i talked shortly about the layoff runners. but i was looking at it as maybe those horses were effected by the quarantines or something having to do with the outbreak in new south wales. caught a trend were these horses coming back fresh and winning against horses that were running all summer(your summer) or having 3 or more races. i was seeing horses that had great debuts being put aside and coming back and crushing. heard a track announcer that was wondering why a trainer had kept a horse away from the track for so long after a great debut. it was strange that he couldnt put things together.

really i just saw a trend and ran with it and it been successful so guys are in australia maybe you guys can tweak it even looking at a map to find out what tracks were affected in the area.

but im riding it till the end. where betting is concerned i dont bet with scared money. i have a good eye for physical appearance on horses,i look at the favorite and compare him to his previous runs and if i thin he/she will fail i unload from anywhere 1 to three horses to win. 1 horse ill go wp if he is big odds ill gow wps. if im betting two horses and one is a longshot ill go win on the non longshot and win/show on the longshot. i adjust accoring to the post time odds. sometimes it hurts me because here in the u.s. ill see horses drop from 9/1 to 5/2 after crossing the wire. just a gamble im will to take.
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