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Old 1st January 2008, 06:13 PM
Punter4211 Punter4211 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 156

Dear PharFromOz,

I had a good look at you concept on Randwick today, new years day.

I'm pleased to say I didn't strike any winners (save one race with 4 runners) but I have a few reservations.

Firstly the odds of these runnes are quite long, and if one got up I'd have a strugle to recover... The other thing is that on Betfair its hard to get layed on a the lesser chances. The only way you can be sure to get a lay is to accept the sometimes outrageous odds on offer...

e.g. A runner could have a back price of $6 and a lay price of $25 +

How do you get around this problem?

Otherwise I think that with refinement it has real potential, but like i say, lookout for the long odds that get up.. There were a few today that got a place, so close is not good enough, but scary just the same..

I think its a stroke of genious, PharFromOz, all it needs is refinement and I'm sure I could automate it so that there is no need to pour over form to find the last starts etc. (of course you'd need acess to my 50k+ record database)

You're in my book as one thinking punter..

Keep up the good work.

And a happy and surely prosperous new year..

One obvious refinement, (before Crash chimes in) is that you dont have to bet on everything.. By being super selective you might get down to one bet a day or even every other day.. If you make it a reasonable sized bet you can see an meaningful return being reliased...

Happy new year EVERYBODY !

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