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Old 6th October 2003, 03:06 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Know what you are saying and mostly agree but not on good horses making good jockeys in your earlier post Privateer.

By the time I do the form and decided on my winning chance to plonk money on, I will usualy find it has a good jockey riding it [if not it is usualy my mistake in doing the form and I probably have done my dough].
The top jocks do the form long before we do and with more info. They get offered and pursue the best chances in the race. They get there by being very good selectors as well as riders. Good horses rack up wins regardless, but top jocks remain top jocks even on crappy mounts that can't win.

So what comes first the chicken or the egg ?


[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-10-06 16:11 ]

[ This Message was edited by: crash on 2003-10-06 16:13 ]
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