On 2003-10-06 16:06, crash wrote:
The top jocks do the form long before we do and with more info. They get offered and pursue the best chances in the race. They get there by being very good selectors as well as riders. Good horses rack up wins regardless, but top jocks remain top jocks even on crappy mounts that can't win.
Hi crash,
Afraid I disagree with your post in the most part - sorry.
Most jockeys are very poor tipsters, they get the mounts because the owners and trainers seek them out (the top ones that is).
The rest have to try and do form and make phone calls to plead their case.
Good jockeys are not good because of their ability to pick winners, but rather make split second judgements, have a feel for what needs to be done in a situation by instinct rather than thought.
These are the jockeys that are snapped up by the good stables and offered good horses.
I've seen many good horses slaughtered by apprentices and even average jockeys.
That's not to say that the top jocks get it wrong sometimes, but less than the others.
A top jock on a crappy horse, won't be any better than a crap rider on a crap horse.
Good horses are often robbed of racking up wins because of poor judgement by an inexperienced or less talented jockey.