18th January 2008, 07:54 AM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 326
And the backer that ate up the 50K????
You can't really say someone "knew" something was up or the 50K would have been left swinging in the wind.
no backer took him on head to head. its was taken in small chunks all the way through. This $50k was put up much earlier then agencies moving price, so i suggest he didnt get on anywhere else at a better price. I see it more then not that when a horse is getting heavily hit on the lay side and the money is being taken the horse, no matter what its odds will fail to make a placing.
I was making an observation after spending 20min clicking on every site i have up to find a trend to match this layers stash. It wouldnt be at all uncommon for the stable to lay it off. I am aware of such a similiar thing about to happen in the next week for a trainer to retreive lost EI revenue north of the border. Do you have a horse Chrome? Spend time in stables? and have frienDs who do the same? We find this to be a common occurance spanning many years. The rise of Betfair has only made it worse.
The point was before you posted. i made an observation. It was very very unusual to see such a large sum on a Canterbury night meeting want to be layed. They didnt get better odds and tried to lay it off at a profit, as you claim because there was no better odds available anywhere. THey started at $1.70 and drove right up to $1.88 with $25k at that price available. THe horse as it turns out talied well off last. The observation stands & my suspision was correct. You chrome have simply gone against the grain. Perhaps your right but big lay, failed horse is what i am talking about here. Nothing more.
Its the ones you leave, not the ones you take, that give you the margin