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Old 1st February 2008, 02:04 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
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G'day Thorns,...The Main thing is that you would have lost interest a LONG, LONG time b4 that 12 months is up,....guaranteed!

Bg's plan may have worked by pure luck in that time, but chances are that your thoughts would be a long way from there by then!

BUT you are thinking along the right lines..... in the sense that you can make a killing from a good run whilst only losing a minimal amount from many mediocre/bad runs.

eg. (stressed example only) if you were to bet 1/5 of a given bank NEVER REDUCING, then you would lose your bank several times b4 you hit lucky and increased to say 20 fold, b4 calling it quits and starting again.

Hope that gives you some insight,

Regards, John (Perth WA)
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