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Old 9th October 2003, 09:18 AM
stebbo stebbo is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Yarra Valley
Posts: 241

I think a very interesting point about jockeys can be seen from the following table

Good Jockeys
Name Rides Wins 2nds 3rds
C Brown 903 137 125 121
N Callow 686 145 100 75
G Childs 515 66 59 35
C Munce 623 106 56 68

Not As Good Jockeys
Name Rides Wins 2nds 3rds
A Findlay 465 36 55 39
S Wynn 378 19 23 22
T Uchiyama 226 26 32 34

With the first set of jockeys, they ride more winners than 2nds and 3rds....
The second group ride more 2nds and 3rds than winners.
Munce's win vs place strike rate is extraordinary to say the least....

I don't necessarily agree that just because they're good jockeys they get the plum rides... I think quite often owners / trainers will seek out the good jockeys on the hope that they will win on their donkey, and it doesn't always happen. And a good jockey wants to fill his riding card just as much as the next jockey.

I also agree that jockeys can have their off days just like horses. Munce's short term strike rate is well off at the moment, a very ordinary 8% vs a long term of 14%.


[ This Message was edited by: stebbo on 2003-10-09 10:24 ]

[ This Message was edited by: stebbo on 2003-10-09 10:26 ]
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