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Old 5th February 2008, 08:40 AM
pengo pengo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 219

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Pengo, who's the "better" rider?

Rider A: 1000 rides, 100 winners, $10 average SP all rides
Rider B: 1000 rides, 100 winners, $20 average SP all rides

Using a rider's strike rate in isolation from their chance of winning on a mount could lead you astray. Your idea has leg's though I think.

PS: Fabian Alesci won on Bombay Express at Terang didn't he? I'd double check the accuracy of those strike rate figures too if I were you.

Don't know how to answer that Angry since the odds I am lead to believe is based on how good both the rider and horse is. I'll be looking at a horses form as well, the jockey just lets you narrow down the choices.

F Alesci did win, have to re-check why I didn't select his horse. Ok, its the 2nd fav so it wouldn't have been selected.

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Good on ya Pengo, rightly or wrongly, you are at least trying to having a go, which is more than I can say for those who enjoy the past time of trying to demean people in front of others, just to be mean, with zero positive input to take its place.
Any one can throw hand grenades from a distance & offer nothing in its place.
It's this type of behaviour that has driven people from making some postings to none.

Back to business.
Heres a method that has good SR.

.Target the 1st & 2nd Betfair Favs
.Target Jockeys with a 15% & worse SR at that track.
.Target Trainers with a 15% & worse SR at that track.

The selection must have a trainer & jockey with the above stats.

One will find a lot that fall over a lot.
Bet 1% of bank if priced $1-3.50
Bet .6% of bank if priced $3.55-7.40

No bet if selection is $7.50+


Ok, thanks for the suggestion.

Originally Posted by King Cugat
Geez im glad i supplied Pengo with a strike rate chart for him to have a look at & explained the crux of his system had no meaning in regards to percentages even being irrellavent. Lets call an apple an apple here Bags in regards to the garbage that continues to be posted by Pengo << names scan be used.
he then posts " thanks fo stating the obvious " If Pengo knew the obvious then this 'system' would never had been posted nor the last 6 in a week
Taking in other peoples knowledge from day 1 when its obvious you have little idea >> i supoort 100% and if you go back on threads i spent one of my betting Saturdays nicely helping Pengo understand Betfair.
I then stood back and have watched others in here i consider genuine profit makers go to countless ends to help Pengo, and in return << hand over ears and the continue of uneducational threads flowing freely without any consideratin in taking in anything on offer.
The reason why pepole dont post is because they cant get into SEINFELD threads about nothing.
You put up solid threads that makes people think about genuine punting questions and the community will come. Yo get someone who doesnt understand the basics, wont listen and posts every 2nd thread in here then expect new googlers who come across this site to keep googling.

I will bet on #1 in every race aslong as its not the 1,2,3, fav << this system had more credit all beit the same thing!

You are entittled to your opinion and my threads maybe crap, but I'm workshopping and would think that is appreciated for people wondering what works and what doesn't.

I'm not sorry for questioning people's advice and not taking it for face value. I may or may not consider it, don't take offense if someone doesn't take your advice as gospel and instead wants to work it out for them self. Plus what fun is it, in getting everything done for you? I may come up with bad systems, but at least I am trying to come up with a simple system and I don't hide the fact I have no idea.

Rather than say, nup won't work. I know best (thats how your posts come across). How about suggest something to make the system work and improve it?

The link to nsw jockey's is appreciated, also stating the obvious remark was in relation to how I'm trying to find a weak link. Thats kinda the whole point, find the weak link on the horse and exploit it to your advantage.

At the end of the day I prefer to "see it to believe it", although if someone says X doesn't work but if you make a slight change here to "XYZ" you can have more success would be something I'd take under consideration.
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