Thread: Ratings maths
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Old 12th February 2008, 10:57 AM
thorns thorns is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 441
Default Ratings maths

Say for example you had a set of ratings which showed a 79% strike rate from the top 5 rated horses, and the average win dividend was $5.47, would this show a level stakes profit? I'm not enitrely sure which way you would calcutlate the profit/loss of this.

Would it be $5.47/5=1.094

Then 1.094x79=86.426 to work out the P/L?

Any help on this would be appreciated.

And if that is the correct method that I have used above, any suggestions on how to try and improve this? Perhaps only backing the top five horses which are paying $5 or more?
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