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Old 12th February 2008, 06:40 PM
King Cugat King Cugat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 326

Although not thoroughly explained i like your thinking. Years ago Doubles were a big thing among professional punters. It was a great tool to use to follow the 2nd leg ( & probabaly still is ). If the first leg winner was $2w on the tote you would be able to see what horse was their choice in the 2nd leg by means of the doubles divie. i.e if a horse was $5w in the 2nd leg then $2 x $5 = $10. If the double was to pay only $7 you would know what the pros were gunning for the day.

Is this the type of method your using but with with Quin's not Doubles?
Its the ones you leave, not the ones you take, that give you the margin
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