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Old 13th February 2008, 10:41 AM
thedrum11 thedrum11 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 22
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Originally Posted by thedrum11
mandurah action tonight. sticking to our 1 x 4 plan i think the best options for us tonight are in the following races.

Race 4 #2 ROSE KRYSTAL-up half a grade on last start win. Showing potential and with a repeat time will be hard to beat-2/2 from inside draws (1-4) Looks likely to be first to rail and has improved in times on last few runs with experience and natural improvement. Take the shorts. 1 x 4 Unpl

Race 8 #1 CRICKET JACK-looks perfectly boxed-7 lifetime starts from the red realising 5 wins and a 2nd. Numerical form looks ordinary but that has been from wider and middle draws and against stronger opposition. Won't get a better opportunity to steal another race. The rest look even more average!
1 x 4 Unpl

Race 10 #4 WICKED GIRL-normally people would not back maidens from middle draws but this looks a great chance to improve on trial run when overhauled late after showing early speed. Some of these may never win a race. Leading chance to win on debut. 1 x 4 Unpl

Bank 158

bet 15 units

collect 0
New bank 143

have a good night on the punt and good luck if you have a stab at these-bookies may not take the Mandurah meeting but ozbet account holders can ridse them home!!!


wow, impressive strike rate...NOT!!!! 3/3 misses tonight-as Ben Cousins would say, such is life!!!! Theer aren't too many shades of grey when it comes to the word INSIPID!!!

Sorry to all that missed out-I usually go a bit better than that-tonight we'll be amongst it at Cannington!!!

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