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Old 13th February 2008, 01:15 PM
pengo pengo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 219
Default Backing the betfair 1st & 2nd Favs

I'm finding some success today.

Back both the betfair 1st & 2nd fav for a win, when the 1st fav is showing odds over $2. Bet within 5mins to jump.

My logic is that the market has done the form and reckons these two horses have the best chance at winning. With odds of at least $2 you will make a profit regardless which of the two wins. Its hoped that you would be consistently backing the winner so that you can "build up the bank" enough to absorb any losses when an outside chance beats the two favs.

Results so far:
AR3: 3&5, 5-1st 3.4X6=20.4-12=+8.4
ZS7: 1&3, 3-1st 2.72X6=16.32-12=+4.32
MR2: 1&6, 6-1st 3.2X6=19.20-12=+7.2
Update: lol tempted fate , SR3 1st or 2nd fav did not get the win.
SR3: 3&6, -12
MR3: 1&6, 6-1st 3.85X6=23.1-12=+11.1
BR3: 3&6, -12

Wow look at those numbers, both no 3 &6 were the favs for both BR3 & SR3 and both got beat... spooky. And 1&6 for MR2 & MR3 paid...
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