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Old 20th February 2008, 06:22 PM
JoeF JoeF is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 80

Mark, before you disapear off into the ether, could you answer a question that has been bugging me.
Being a person who makes his living off the punt, (and from what I've read of your posting over the last couple of years I don't doubt it for a minute), do you still get a kick out of winning. ie: when you land a big plunge/win, do you punch the air, cooee out, and get all excited?
Or is it a case of just another day at the office.

I am just curious is all. I know I definately don't live off the punt, but I get mighty excited at times.

I think I have stumbled across something that you may have overlooked in regards to this laying method of yours, I will share it with you if you would care to email me at
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