Thread: Ratings maths
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Old 21st February 2008, 07:07 PM
michaelg michaelg is offline
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Yes, I'd be better off wIth IAS Super Price.

However the problem is that they only accept exotic bets up to 3 minutes prior to the start time. Because the prices are one of the method rules to identify a qualifying race there have on a few occasions where I did so with about a minute prior to the start, then I have to also identify the selections. Sometimes it's touch-and-go to get the bets on at the TAB. I've even missed some very good divvies because for one reason or another I was unable to get the bets on before the race began. Its a terrible feeling when this happens, even worse than snaring the exotics where NSW TAB has by far the worst divvies.

If IAS would let us bet right up to the start time I'd certainly do so, but until then I will have to stick with the TAB. Its also a pity that they don't offer First Fours because the method has struck some huge divvies.

I've just realised that I have been now betting for one month with real money on the method. There have been 73 races and results are:

Strike rate of 80.82%
POT of 38.28%.

Strike rate of 56.16%
POT of 57.81%.

Maybe its just a lucky streak its going through and might now start to go backwards.
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