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Old 24th February 2008, 03:26 PM
JoeF JoeF is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 80

No, not recieved Mark.
I was going to point out the shortener thing from the last post, but as I mentioned, most of them did open shorter.

A few thoughts:
Perhaps the 3 months EI enforced layoff that most of the horses had last year has had an efeect on the 12 month rule?
Should it be extended to 15 months???

Also, maybe a bit of tweaking with the win %'s rule along the lines of smaller % for "stayers" (as they have to have more conditioning runs), and a higher % for "sprinters", as they get to a more suitable distance earlier in their prep.
Don't know how these adjustments would go on the selections, just a few thoughts.
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