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Old 26th February 2008, 05:21 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 204
Smile How good do you look?

Geez I pondered forever on this thread, but finally decided to go ahead.

What I'm looking for is folks to come clean on how good they are! Now I know this is a bit like asking a bloke how big his old fella is, but I'm looking for truthfull answers even though I'm not asking for back up evidence. (This is concerning your betting, not your old fella!)

What I'm looking for is the stats of your best systems, be they win, place, exotics or whatever.

To make it meaningful your system must qualify:
1). Minimum 200 bets.
2). Minimum 5 bets average per week.
3). Not a purple patch edited from a system.
4). Current system.--not history from the good old days.

How do you measure up?


Of course the reason I was wondering was that mine looks bigger every time I look at it, (my bank balance that is) and I was wondering if I should rest on my laurels or is there an even better system out there waiting for me?
"Not winning on a horse that came first is one thing.....Losing on a horse that didn't come first is something else entirely!!!"
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