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Old 27th February 2008, 11:58 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Mr Quaddie, mmmmm, really into in dividual preferences here, see the "win" side of things tends to come out OVER TIME with a better POT, but on the downside is the regular runs of outs (which is what I was trying to coax some comment about in the other post) BUT with the place betting is the regular payouts x smaller POT.

Horses for courses as they say, in my case I HATE TO LOSE, so place betting is for me, take today as an example

PR3-5 Loser, PR 6-6 $4.30 w $1.80 p, PR7-10 placed $1.70c, so on the day + 50c (16.66%) that to me is excellent business, but IF I'd bet for the win =+ $1.30 (43.33%) but that is just one day.

When the horse wins it doesn't bother me at all, I just think in terms of THAT is a place!
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