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Old 3rd March 2008, 12:52 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,418

Crackone, nah, you've missed it completely, you are thinking in terms of 1 race.
Go to my example of 1000 spins, or even 10,000 spins, if you only bet when you have 5-4, say 1000 times out of that 10,000 spins (on an even money chance) YOU WILL WIN.

What you are doing here is reversing "what the bookie" does really, he/she dose not think in terms of today, tomorrow, next week, next year even, if the mathematical odds are in his/her favour it is DEFINITE that the book will come out in front, no luck involved!

In the same way that the casino will give you evens about black or Red, odds or even, but that little ol' zero GUARANTEES the edge for the house in the long run!
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