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Old 7th March 2008, 09:38 AM
PokerCD PokerCD is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2
Default Texas on the slide?

A lot of my peers, like me, are growing bored with Texas. One of them conducted a textual analysis and content analysis on 17 different American poker forums. From his research it seems we are not alone; Omaha seems to be more talked about and a greater interest genre within the world of poker. Rumblings suggest a major network is going to give it a tv exposure trial over there; but if I had a dollar in my pocket for the number of unrealised rumours I had heard I'd be immovable. But when you talk to people in casinos and other poker providers you just get the faint whisper that the next chapter is starting to emerge.
Anyone else get this impression?
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