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Old 8th March 2008, 08:10 AM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609

Sorry I have not responded to your long explanation before this, Iomaca. Was appreciated. I am heading overseas towards the end of the month --- not the result of my betting unfortunately --- and things are very busy.

Hope we will see some more of your efforts today :grin:

Totally agree with your getting out while ahead. I guess it depends a lot on your makeup. "Know yourself" as the old philosophers put it. I realise its not logical --- why can't you pick the next winner, that horse does't know the prevous one won --- but, for me, it takes away the strain and the concentration that is so necessary.

I'm not sure that I agree, however, on only ever backing one horse in a race --- especially if they are likely to give super returns as in your case. I guess your figures wil tell you what's best.

Thanks again --- and good luck for today.
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