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Old 10th March 2008, 09:08 PM
Neurokahuna Neurokahuna is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 18
Default TAB LOWS

Hi Debug,

I too have been playing around with the Live Odds Web Service and haven't even got as far as you.

I can return a string for the Session ID but that is as far as it goes. I am currently tring to return the Meeting Summary XML response and work out how to convert it to a datagrid.

I was using VB.NET and now are leaning towards using FLEX to create an interactive web-based application that can pick the 7 most likely picks and can generate strings that can be pasted into TAB's Express Betting service.

In fact, it has all sorts of combo's that can be used for Win/Place and exotics alike...

Would enjoy learning what you are doing and swapping some code for formula's/business logic....if you're interested.

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