14th April 2008, 05:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
Hi Reaper
I tested out that plan many years ago .
It will have it's good days & not so good days .
When I tested it, it managed to break even using TAB prices which is OK.
This means if one used it with Betfair prices it should show a profit.
I beleive the plan is out of print now & if its the same one I am thinking of , it targets the first 3 or 4 ranked in the pre-post market & then one bets the ones that have shortened in their ranking at jump time.
Heres a SIMPLE 2 HORSE PLAN that can hit a lot of winners ,that you may like to try out...
.Target the top 2 market favs at 1 min till jump. These have a statistical strike rate of 50%.
.Bet 4 units on the Horse you think should win & place 1 unit on the other horse as a saver bet .
You will have a greater chance of surviving the run of outs doing it this way, plus it will add a lot more interest to your punting, it also frees up your thinking when it comes to the question of value because you know you have the other horse covered..
You will also be amazed how often the other horse gets up over your selection, out of the 2 horses targeted, no matter what one tries to do to separate them. That will be the frustrating bit.
If one can get it right, there's a profit to be had.
.This way, it will conserve your betting bank & at the same time one will enjoy a 40-50% SR using the Betfair market.
.Make sure you have a betting bank of 60:1 ratio or more when level stakes betting.
. One will find it very challenging trying to profit using TAB prices, so try & use say IAS or Spotingbet or Centrebet (Best of 3 totes) if one wishes to place all bets at once or use Betfair if one wishes to bet race to race in front of a screen for even better prices.
.Do be prepaired for 20 outs in a row followed hopefully by a series on wins if betting just one horse a race.
.Try & work out ones results using percentages rather than actaual money won or lost, the figures will make more sence if its done this way.
.Do open up a Betfair A/C for superiour prices.
.Do download a copy of Bet Trader Pro, Free. (Google) Racing Traders to find it. That way, one can use 1 cent bets if you want to , which is great for testing out new systems without risking large amounts of money.