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Old 19th April 2008, 07:19 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Hay, I'm partial to a little fancy fiddle playen.

I think our friend, now finally knows, what it feels like & why others have become cranky in the past, leave the site & never post a thing ever again.

That's how sites become very quiet.

There are some fools out there who say they do it just to get a gee-up out of people, as a form of weird joke, well no one ever laughs, except the sole, mouth breathing fool, just like a teenage bully does.

There are also some who see themselves as some sort of policeman & beleive its their right to attack wild ideas in the name of protecting the average punter from losing all their money , yet never make a positive posting on how to make or protect the punting money to replace the idea, that they are attacking, no matter how wild & woolly the idea may be.

My favourite, are the ones who go through all the postings & critisise others spelling & grammar- Weird! But never contibute anything positive about punting.

I would personally like to see those who have felt they have been bullied into silence by the bullies, making their, valuable contributions known once more, no matter how wild the ideas may be .
Dont let the bully boys get the upper hand , make it known to them that their nasty nonscence is offensive & you dont like . Maybe an official complaint to the moderator could be in order.
Maybe the fool bully boys can laugh that one off aswell.

Now, where's that fiddle of mine.
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